Trinity Grace Church History
Though our history at Trinity Grace is not a long one, it is deep with God’s sovereign work in her midst. God’s providence shines brightly as one thinks of His grace and mercy along the way.
In 2002, Covenant Presbytery called Chris Miller, along with Jenny, and their family, to Northwest Arkansas to plant a new church in Benton County. Trinity Grace began with a Bible Study in the home of a Rogers resident. God saw fit, even in a living room, to work in the hearts of people developing a love for the church and laying a foundation that would be firm. This small group of christians soon outgrew the living room and moved to the Bentonville Senior Center Community Room where they had corporate worship on Sunday evenings. God continued to bless the teaching of His Word and the love of the people and Trinity Grace continued to grow. TGC then moved to Grace Hill Elementary School in Rogers so that they could have Sunday morning worship. For a little over a year, every Sunday morning, faithful christians hauled hymnals and Sunday school material and a pulpit into the Grace Hill cafeteria where they also set up and broke down chairs and tables for a make shift worship space. Still yet, God blessed this ministry. Even at this infancy stage, God moved not only at TGC, but in the hearts of others. TGC sent someone on Sunday nights to begin a Bible Study with another small group of Christians in Joplin, MO. This became Trinity Grace’s first church plant. Pastor Reed Dunn was called as the church planter and continues to faithfully minister at Christ the King, Joplin.
The Bentonville 7th Day Adventist Church became available to rent on Sunday mornings and TGC moved to this location that offered a bit more comfort, and a little less work, than the school. TGC continued to grow by God’s grace at this location as well. During this time, TGC sent several young men to seminary to be trained for pastoral ministry. One young man, Kevin Hale, along with his family, was then sent to Conway, AR in 2008 to plant Christ Church Conway where he continues to minister today. This was TGC’s second church plant.
As God continued to bless the ministry of TGC, it became necessary to look for a location that would meet our worship and ministry needs. Peace Lutheran Church had built a brand new building on the west side of Rogers not too far from I-49 near the very location TGC desired to be in Benton County and central to all of Northwest Arkansas. In God’s providence, Peace Lutheran was unable to use their building as intended and offered to rent TGC the building for her needs. Moreover, they offered the 10 acres that sat just north of the building for purchase. TGC was able to purchase the land for cash. Again, the Lord continued to work in the midst of Trinity Grace and gave her the opportunity to take part in two additional church plants. Along with Covenant Church in Fayetteville, TGC supported Ted Wenger in his efforts to plant Redeemer Presbyterian in Siloam Springs, where he continues to minister faithfully today. Additionally, twelve families from TGC went to Christ Community Church in Fayetteville to assist Hunter Bailey in the planting of that church, where he also continues to minister.
Peace Lutheran decided they would not be able to use the building TGC had been renting so Trinity Grace bought that building for her own. Trinity Grace now had a building on 20 acres in Rogers, AR. Additionally, God blessed TGC through the generosity of a woman who attended church for a few years. What could be called some divine irony, or at least a little humor, this dear, godly woman said, “I could never be presbyterian, but I love what God is doing here at this church.” She gave 10 acres to Trinity Grace Church just south of JB Hunt corporate headquarters to do with what the church desires.
With continued growth, both spiritually and physically, Trinity Grace was once again ready to plant. Again, by God’s grace and His provision, TGC’s then Associate Pastor, Chris Taylor, took with him 80 or so people from Trinity Grace and planted Christ Church Bentonville, where he too, continues to faithfully minister.
Today, Trinity Grace is blessed to have as her Associate Pastor, Brandon Van Marel. He is married to his lovely wife, Kelly, and they have four beautiful children. Brandon is a graduate of Northwestern College and Covenant Seminary. He and his family moved here in 2018 from Freemont, Nebraska where he had been serving as an Asst. Pastor and College minister. He has been a tremendous blessing to the people of Trinity Grace.
Chris Miller continues to serve as Senior Pastor of Trinity Grace Church having planted it 20 years ago. Chris is married to his love, Jenny. They have five children and a son-in-law.